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Kaj se dogaja v R&B Cafe kavarni? What is new at R&B Cafe?

Writer's picture: Sebastien IvanecSebastien Ivanec

Novice in dogodki v marcu


Ta mesec je precej razburljiv, saj imamo kar nekaj novic, ki ji želimo deliti z vami!

Najprej se ozrimo nazaj na februar, z dolgo pričakovanim prihodom naše nove omejene izdaje kave iz Indonezije Sumatra. Ta naravna kava, proizvedena pod vodstvom kmeta Asmana Arianta, prihaja iz zadruge Ribang Gayo Musara. Ta zadruga je del projekta Farmgate Initiative, ki vsakemu kmetu omogoča, pošteno kompenzacijo za njihovo trdo delo, ki so ga vložili v pridelavo kave. Zadruga pa prispeva tudi k pogozdovanju Sumatranskih skupnosti s sajenjem sadik avokada, pod senco katerega lahko čez čas kavovci rastejo počasneje in sozaščiteni pred ostrim vetrom ter dežjem.

Naše priporočilo je, da to kavo poskusite kot French Press. Res dobra tudi na espressu, svojo drzno naravo v celoti razvije v French press obliki, z vinskimi, jagodičastimi notami, temno čokolado ter notami slive.


This month is pretty exciting as we have several news to share with you! Let s start to take a look back at February, with the long expected arrival of our new Limited Edition coffee from Indonesia Sumatra. This natural coffee produced under the leadership of farmer Asman Arianto comes from the Ribang Gayo Musara cooperative. This coop is part of the Farmgate Initiative project, that allows each farmer to be retributed fairly for the hard labour they have put in growing coffee, but also contributes to reforestation of Sumatran communities by planting avocado seedlings under which shade, over time, the coffee trees can grow more slowly and be protected from harsh wind and rains.

We recommend that you try this coffee as a French press. Really good as espresso, it fully develops its bold nature in the French press, with winey, berry notes, dark chocolate and plum.

Če želite izvedeti več o tej resnično super kavi, kliknite tukaj.

Niste prepričani kako pripraviti odlično kavo v French pressu? Poglejte si 5 glavnih napak, ki se jim morate izogniti tukaj. Če vam je pa bolj všeč priprava V60, pa si poglejte naš ultimativni recept tukaj

To learn more about this truly awesome coffee, click here.

Not sure how to prepare a great coffee with a French press? Check out the 5 top mistakes to avoid here.

And if you would rather prepare it as a V60, check out our ultimate recipe for a great pour over here!

Ta mesec praznujemo tudi vse ženske in matere, zato smo v ta namen pripravili darilni komplet, ki jih bo zagotovo razvajal na svežnju kavne kozmetike podjetja Grums, vrečki kave ter paru brownijev. Komplet si oglejte tukaj in naročite svojega!

This month we are also celebrating all Women and Mothers, with a gift set that is sure to pamper them with a special price on a bundle coffee beauty product from Grums, one coffee bag and 2 brownies. Check out the box here and order yours!

Ko že govorimo o izdelkih na osnovi kave! Ponosni smo, da smo edini slovenski partner kozmetičnega podjetja Grums, specializiranega za uporabo kavnih ekstraktov in olj v proizvodnji popolnoma veganskih kozmetičnih izdelkov, brez alergenov in vonjav. Pridite v kavarno da jih preizkusite ter odkrijte linijo ki jo ponujamo.

Talking about coffee based coffee products! We are proud to be the sole partner of Grums, a beauty company specialized in using coffee extracts and oils to produce a totally vegan, allergy free and scent-free beauty products. Come to the coffeeshop to test some of them, and discover the line-up we carry here.

21.februarja smo organizirali trivia večer na temo glasbe in bi se radi zahvalili vsem udeležencem, ki so s seboj prinesli veliko znanja ter dobre volje, pred nami pa sta 2 vznemirljiva dogodka.

Najprej bomo že tretjič prisotni na Slovenskem festivalu kave v Celju, od 15. do 17. marca. Če želite odkriti nove pražarje, kupiti kakšno novo opremo za vaš kavni kotiček doma, je ta festival pravo mesto za vas, da izkoristite sejemske popuste. Več o prizorišču lahko izveste tukaj.

On the 21st of February, we held our Music Trivia night, thank you to all participants, and we have 2 exciting upcoming events ahead of us. First, we will be present for the 3rd time at the Slovenia Coffee Festival in Celje, March 15-March 17. If you want to discover new coffee roasters, purchase some coffee gear for your coffee corner set up at home, this festival is a great way to benefit from fair discounts. Find out more about the venue here.

Zapišite si datum! 10. aprila se bomo zabavali ob živi glasbi in otvoritvi 1. umetniške razstave mlade slovenske umetnice, da proslavimo prihod pomladi!

Preverite naš Instagram profil @rnbcaferoasters da dobite obvestila o točnih ur dogodka.

Save the date! On April 10th, we will have a fun evening with a Live Music band and the inauguration of our 1st art display from a young Slovenian Artist to celebrate the arrival of Spring! Check our Instagram profile @rnbcaferoasters, to be notified about the exact time of the event.

Se vidimo v kavarni ali na Festivalu kave!

See you out and about at the cafe or the Coffee festival!

Sebastien,  R&B cafe



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